Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bruit Flow Dinner

It's time for the first Bruit Flow meeting. It's been a long time coming...

We will plan to meet and eat on March 18th or 19th (whichever is better for everyone). This is a Friday or Saturday.

Although this date will be before the equinox, I would like to consider it our spring meeting. We should all plan to bring spring inspired food to share with everyone. Remember that many of the members of Bruit Flow are vegetarians!

Also, bring any current work you have that you would like to share. This can be absolutely anything; everyone should have something to present. If anyone has any art they would like to present as an installment we can make arrangements to make such a presentation possible.

We should all come to the meeting with an open mind and a willingness to absorb as much as we can from each other. We should all try to bounce ideas off of and inspire each other. One good idea can inspire hundreds more.

Most importantly, we should all come to this dinner to enjoy the company of such a fine group as this, and to appreciate the time we have together while most people are easily accessible.

We will also discuss when in the summer would be best to have the next meeting.

Comment on the site if you plan to attend!

One thing, I haven't yet worked out where this meeting will be. If anyone has any ideas let me know.

Faithful Wordslave,

Rev. Lester Ernest Tisdale IV


  1. count me in, but there are a few things: if i get an audition with calarts, it most likely will be in march, so i may or may not be able to attend, as i may be in california. also, due to my blood sugar disease (hypoglycemia) i won't be able to do the food thing: "We should all plan to bring spring inspired food to share with everyone." i will have to eat before i go, and of course i cannot share my emergency food that i will bring. i would still love to hang out, though!

  2. Matt, you are the exception to every rule. If you are in California, in your absence we will play your music in silence, leaving an empty chair for your ghost. You may eat or not at your pleasure, and we shall all take pleasure your abstaining aura. You are Bruit at its core, (one of its cores, at least) and without your spirit and work, this night would be insignificant. It will be superb, however. And, yes, this meeting is long overdue -- we need to communicate together openly and equally in our endeavors, large and small, and I will be there and ready.


  3. Places to meet...when I was on a soccer team we would have our trophy ceremonies at a public place like Pete's or Dominos. This would encourage people to feel free to break things because they weren't at a friends house.

    I will be there. wherever.

    (assuming it is nice outside) our back yard, a park, lake martin
    maybe cite, country kitchen, somewhere in Breaux Bridge
