Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Check out the new pages to the right; I suggest you think about filling them. I made this:

Alone he rocks
His feet inside a caribou carcass
Stretched carpeting
Juxtaposed copper filings with rainbows
Alone he wades

Where has he put his easy chair?
The window is fog
               Between cushions davenport
               Whittling a bowl
                         His hands keep knocking

His family is buried beneath cobblestones
Stunted kings
Clambering up stairs into sleep
              Alone he counts grit on ceiling tiles
              Sharpening mind
                        Breathing with feet
                        Breathing with eyes            Concerned

              Dreamers catch rays of sun in cups of gold, silver, diamond
              Dreamers dance in the seams of oceans
              Dreamers reheal

There are tricks that he uses to keep ghosts and kings from waking him
When they pang the shingles of his shack
              Fish are hung
              With crystals in their mouths
              Eyes and guts spilling the floor black
                        He cuts his fingertips
                        Lights candles
                        And urinates in a circle

Monday, March 1, 2010

tough fuck

shank is a tough cut of meat {muscles}
it's also one of the toughest cuts of meat to fuck
the meat is tough
the fuck is tough
it's tough to fuck tough meat
fucking tough meat is tough