
This page is meant to be an extension of the home page, but focusing less on the actual art and more the processes, thoughts and moments associated with creative thinking. Taken from the original Bruit.Flow concept, this page is for those who want to share experiments and assignments, and where people can post there experiences with said experiments and assignments.


  1. Voyagerism: voyeuristic journalism on-the-go!: observe without being observed all sensations around you (with journalistic intent) an area or event you can travel through, around, between, etc... Use your rough sketches as a springboard and write a relatively long piece.

  2. A text modification method: convert existing text into number potentials, then back. Use a dictionary to only generate real words. Possibly construct only viable sentences, which might require removal and subsequent addition of punctuation.

    Like t9word in reverse; a converts to 1, which can then convert to a/b/c.

    Instead of dictionary lookup, maybe do random conversion then automated spellcheck? Maybe then automated grammarcheck?
