Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Mannequin Room

a moldy orange. is thrown into a sink

shredded. cloth is on the floor

there is. a misunderstanding

but intense. déjà vu

a baseball game, not even casually. watching

glancing here and there, wandering. in thought

even. when the ball is thrown

a. small child to the right

lost in a color-thought. autistic world

places a hand. to his lips

wiggles. his fingers

and vividly. grants a vision of the world

being torn asunder. by tiny were-bats

discon.necting the grotesque machinery of reality

an old-folks home, mental health facility, or. abandoned school

no one really. knows

the elderly faction laugh and play, dancing in. an empty ballroom

for they know, hear, and. see nothing

just down. the hall

there is an old room. full of mannequins

happily. avoided

the mannequin room. may be room 101, or it may be shell beach

depending. upon who enters

an old man, just. inside, guards the door

peering. through the window

ushering random travelers aside. with a smile

shielding. eyes from the horrible truth

been. here before, yet different

the simulation. continues

walking as. synthetic lifeforms

until things are finally set right.

Monday, October 31, 2011

More Youtube Closed Caption Fun

Closed Caption Interpretation of Herman Cain's Speech at the Clear Lake Tea Party:

A pad. Dot girl. Distant baboon. Think you're going to be here, hack development moved up here. Bistros patriots of the United States, last different measured. That that should does not bar to combat bt dildo first. The strategy that Bob the whole goal to reach or dance calamity. Don with Jewish means undo do you, but he did dreams. Yeah, history cat distribution; we need to add ticket the days can't retakes crises. We had an economic crisis, we have it's not ok speeding life. It rises, we have a issue immigration crises, rope lessons. Pick policy crisis. Prevented stresses me there is a superior efficiency of leadership. It wide hack. Possibility house screech cares. Speaker lack of leadership, but it's also Slezak Patricia that's made the judgment minded people has always been that's exactly right, dot blot that decision engines. It's easy to tell you hahha. Derivation these Tracy Davis we had that same without the resources. If you look at the history of this country, we've had some thoughts excessive there, excessive time, but it's also the spread out there dead. Exhortation with a_t_t_ problems. Photography. Disgrace, but not all across this country right now, they've got a trait that right hope that we need. Pedagogy habitat, dash hard.

Closed Caption Interpretation of Rick Perry's Speech at Orange County Rally:

The unity on and is folks in there com twenty eight dollars a thank you sir for your service might be the risk of blood. We coming what I would consider to be a little bit of warm weather for a southern California and about a few believe. Uh... and uh... you know if they don't we get to live in a great country like uh.. America and orange county's bina if there's a a place in and this kind blue state uh.. yet I guess if you want to call it a rents variant of blueberry pound and here we are prod. Go ahead of time with pretty awesome it was our first debate and and uh.. speaking of first, left u, experimenting with hahaha. So live wonderful first lady etc. Healthcare spending thinks she's really focused on that small community explorer uh... throughout pedestal Socrates person and it's just which really are a lot of the American dream, and personal privilege to be here. Testers or be express United States out today. Ice that stage last night and seven other very very fine a great man it the Rick Patrick. We get into the system captain like occur respectful way I I'd be respected, but the point is, we need to have a job. The depth of moral alliance between themselves and the current president of white house. Oh monthly I helped that contrast attached hopes for Juan. Somebody made now needed planes and seventy-six Reynolds of god bone marrow. This is a president C-downgraded aircraft, unemployment at extremely high levels: we lost confidence in our country in a high-speed. This president it's there yet another state ductility other provinces and the flat fees at work here not gonna cut it. This is about an administration that these people are and that is what the Obama administration their problem expense. Mr. President, we cannot spend on our way to prostrate -- it does not work. Middle-level suit only care about jobs so that they can see expansion of more government programs. I want to create jobs so that we can create generate income for family jobs or about dignity for American workers. Family's been able to live the American dream. If you want to stimulate the economy, why don't you just eliminate the middleman man from this people you shouldn't the federal government and let the private sector keep in advance that money developing a little about that on dot the profits. Country one in six, one in six working eligible American arrogance cannot find a job. Mister President, that is not an economic recovery, that isn't economic disaster. We cannot afford four more years of behind one of the spelled stimulus this record data, the loss of our credit, induced time for change.

Closed Caption Interpretation of Mitt Romney's "Corporations are People" Speech:

To make sure that the promises we made in social security medicaid and medicare are promises we can't keep. Endeavors ways of doing that; one is really raise taxes on the moon. Bhai Sahab, Perry says people write passes. Porcelain everywhere reserves the right off the leaders of these, a with bells on -- aas have here hondacarland delays that since it was that that's at the approach that other things members the reason they surrendered promises we made a promise. Is that we can keep in my view of the reasons that it's in our hearts higher income people receiving rapid growth in their benefits and privileges you don't agree with that you want to get wealthier people bigger portion has a right, and I think we should have what's was billed as progressive index and I think we all subjects are considered on their retirement age. Those are things that should be tried excited about how I disagree with that as well. Five years, yes, they did not make promises. We can't even get his allies say this: I appreciate that capital finish Dennis don't.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

my mouth is bad for you

speak of stink ranges. vocal volleys. its hot on your bad.sex

like hounds braying a donkey warm citrus surge

finger itch

body scribe

internal turning. seething teeth

like feet

everything about feet

smell lint clinging fungal folds cites of skins

homunculi tending invert steeples \\\\////

on face, on grass,




real wet look

mouth is wax for moon

hands up, panties down

its on to you

newspapers on soles dragged lakes wrong type blood infusions

too rich

your weather







Saturday, July 16, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

New poems; New layout (Matt's Images)


hurricane spray
flow meter
tongue blade
spinal needles
razor tape
safety anal chords
hazard meter
dragon test equipment
valley lab pencils
cod man irrigator
salem pump
crash cart
patient pack glass
yanker suction
waterproof tape
smoke compartment
diablo saw
shave tray
transpore tape
micropore tape
kangaroo spike
kangaroo pump
feeding spike
eternal substitution
ted hose knee
ted hose thigh
bovie pens
adapt powder
metal talking tracks
saline bullets


fistfuls of mouths
and dirt
and the indelible guilt
wells up

there's nothing more to smile
under a splatter of stars

some light seems dark
a lot of time
also a tear

in four ear molds
gathering inside
and shame
and control


fling out
stretch, slant,

terrible knot
associated with throats
spools of blood tighten
nerves & verge
hurl wicker
springtime ragas

Surely the heat will pass up as the breeze
hotter bludgeon
burgeoning stone
wet, whetted, whistling

mere headfuls
of mercury

decide to vanish,
or vanquish
or grow in spasms in froth
ghosts of silence

Monday, May 9, 2011

Conversations of Festival International 2011

How are you?
You'll just have to suck at a bar.
Men in hats love cold beer.

That girl's from Ireland.
We're gonna see it.
I know you, and you've got a feeling.

Orangutan, a baby gorilla.
We've got a dog with them.
I think I took two.

Oh, you got a rat, that's awesome.
I know you said the meat kabob was good.
It was a bowl of fish.

Me neither, I knew brown.
No, you didn't.
Everybody got family probably.

I lost my shoes last night, so I was walking everywhere barefooted, and then finally I found them.
Hey, you know, I messed with the wrong mechanic.
He got tired of walking after he traded his Mustang for an eight-ball of cocaine.

method: I walked around the festival with a recording device, picking up fragments of people's random conversations, usually no more than a single random line. After listening to the recording, I arranged these lines into a poem that is significantly less dark as compared with my previous Festival International work.

Saturday, April 16, 2011





Acceptance Letter


Mated Latrine Hiker

Palpation for Gradated Steed at Liaison Setback Universe

Confabulations! It is my pleurae to irk you that your palliation for addition to The Graduated Spook at Lisa Stew Uteri has been roved for Proximal Addison for the trek Foal 2011 in Mesozoic - MM.

Your reign stats for tie-on purples is: Resins Deceit Ending

Additional inebriation reading required official dementia is swine blow.

Turn-spits: University of Linux- Latté Fiery of Logjam Lattice

Focal TTS Sores:Incompetents

In order to copulate your aviation, office donuts must be relived within that dye after the fist day of lasso for the septet to whim you are omitted. Your abscission to The Gravitate Sheol may be reeked if after riptide of these monuments it is indeterminacy that you do not emit the academia impairments for admiring trio The Granulate Schooner.

In order to copyleft regeneration on, you must Urbanization Complacence form found at
http://www.shc.lsu.edu/files/Immun%20Comp%20Form%20rvsd%2008-2010.pdf. This form must be uncommitted to the LSU Resident Hellcat Cementer - Immigrations, 150-B Intermarry Rod, Baobab Roger, LA 70803.

Shovel yuk Yahveh an questing weenie wino adz hate beaning of your stupefies at LSU, pledge concoct the OfficeMax of Grateful Emissions via e-amir at

LSU, a top metric reteach expensive instillation, is pleasured to offer you the opportunist to enroll in gradate leek corpses. BMP witches in your pantsuit of an a danced Deere.

W. Avid Contagion, PCX, PE, DOE
The Grateful Scatology
Humanizer T. Turret Protestor of Chivalry and Intergovernmental Sloganeering

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Emily & New Layout (and poem)

Also, new layout (thanks sam, for images).
Also, poem:

I circuit bent Bukowski I touched
his insides wet fingers
There wasn't enough room.

No wishing for wishes; lick sucking sick lips
Turned me metallic.

Dream falling waste
to try and upwards die,
Forever fall.

Infinite is always zero
in greater than prolapse,
Portcullis churns.

The best You ever had
momentum none
Dinner at last a candle,
Tablet last at.

Memory storm layers
Lair of liars (supposedly).

An eye for a feather,
Counterbalance Icarus, feather in the sun
Son for a father.

Orchid trails heard a long
the bald path of the lord of the lies.

throat orange fire
Garish whorls silver etch
Her dream disemboweled wet
world high.

Words happen freely
Jitter skitter
leapt a void perhaps synapse intact
Conduit intangible apropos.

Pigglass and razorblades.

What holds true in the land of doubt:
arid acronyms sacrilegious diction
whirlwind comatose in mirror,
Yes, yellow
feet membranous sheer
A lot has changed
In the empire of ghosts.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Found Poem 2011

Frigid bike
Ride away stillborn eyes
Legs yearn to touch ground they ache
After a night
Of tossing and hard dreams
Huddled with the elder apes
Fists coiled in their bellies
Or clutching bowls of bean mud billowing steam
In complaint

Slip into the area behind sleep in front
Speech erupts: I'm not here, really, how is
This happening
Without me?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pictures, POOR FAVOR...

Hey everybody, send me some pictures to use on our front page (original photos please.) Just send one, I will use it eventually. No contest.


Welcome back me (and a poem)

I'm back to daily moderation (and more than likely, posts), so feel free to get it back into high gear! I will also be posting information on local readings, art events, music, etc... Without further ado, a poem (of sorts):

Will Trade

New gutters for like-new rainbow
A used potato chip

Why allow the done room special! Furnished
Never worn; broken
Professional alterations

Mardi Gras we buy GOLD!
Will tutor your kawaii mahogany console five-piece

Pearl drummer needs gig.

Touch America black
100 used metal comedy outlaw lyricists
Beauty salon and eight foot conveyor
Beginners five piece salon equipment, downsizing

Executive desks, work
Two awesome cooking table saw, works
Ten sets of 20 55 gallon metal containers for sale

Wanted to buy huge reward! Lost found: blind chihuahua
Will trade dirt for pillows of hope.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Unintentimphony

The first bit of datum from the unintentional symphony. From Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra's season finale on March 3, 2011 with Mozart's Overture to Don Giovanni, Brahms' Nanie and Beethoven's Symphony No. 9. This is the proto-version of the project's format.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why I'm not going to Press

Dear Elm,

After a very difficult decent parks, we have chosen another plant for the Press tax piston. We think you are fable and we would have been hard to have ox as pet of the perm. We wish we could take more than foe prism. Thank you for putting so much toe and puss into your pectin and nerve. Your tint and your duct to priding a nursing lie for itself and tars are humming.

Gamy and Sty

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Two Rejection Letters

UCSD Rejection Letter:

Dear Math Highly,

Your apocalypse for guttered studio in the Mousy on-ramp marijuana in Chemotherapist Musky Pheromones, at the Unassertive of Clownery, Zen Doggy has been craftily reviled. We regrew euphoniums that you have not salted for seedtimes.

A knobbier of footraces are considered emotively in each platypus. Pails be archway that UCSD recessive a very reggae neighbor of epicureans and anaemia exultancy candlelit could not be unroofed Abyssinia. Unflatteringly, we are only able to tuxedo offence to a latticed nimbus of quilled antipolice.

Tunic awe for your irritates in the universe of Cultivation, ass Deejay. An airfoil leotard has been prost on the antipapal stews page of your UCSD apothecary at http://greedily.oozed.emu. I whisk the beast in all your encoders.


Commie E. Brat
DNA of Grafted Studs
Unsavory of Culinary, Zen Drug

CalArts Rejection Letter:

Dear Me-too:

I aortae to foundry you that, after a toehold atonally of your apple-polisher, we are nebulae to unfurl you academician to the Perfumery/Summersault premolar at the Carefully Intuitive of the Attires for the Phlegm 2011 steersman.

Sea-lane Hindustani that the ecchymosis packhorse choirs that very duskily caws be ammo, and that these denizens are snails. We are Halloween to rediscount odiousness doeskin attacker teases heavy Eden roached. Weaver, under no computerizing slide our dizziest be adroitness as a foretoken on your eyebolts or pectinate. Koala rust is dilated to horrifying slime castles with professional roosts/insectivores, and the reggae neighbors of lightheartedness we receive each year emitted immeasurable academia yarrows antlered applicator. Techno UFO for orc innervate in Cure-alls and for all the empty and arrogant eels in your application. We y-axis you the best in your achromatic and starry-eyed eyedroppers.

Mealy Rhino
Dictator of Asceticism

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bruit Flow Dinner

It's time for the first Bruit Flow meeting. It's been a long time coming...

We will plan to meet and eat on March 18th or 19th (whichever is better for everyone). This is a Friday or Saturday.

Although this date will be before the equinox, I would like to consider it our spring meeting. We should all plan to bring spring inspired food to share with everyone. Remember that many of the members of Bruit Flow are vegetarians!

Also, bring any current work you have that you would like to share. This can be absolutely anything; everyone should have something to present. If anyone has any art they would like to present as an installment we can make arrangements to make such a presentation possible.

We should all come to the meeting with an open mind and a willingness to absorb as much as we can from each other. We should all try to bounce ideas off of and inspire each other. One good idea can inspire hundreds more.

Most importantly, we should all come to this dinner to enjoy the company of such a fine group as this, and to appreciate the time we have together while most people are easily accessible.

We will also discuss when in the summer would be best to have the next meeting.

Comment on the site if you plan to attend!

One thing, I haven't yet worked out where this meeting will be. If anyone has any ideas let me know.

Faithful Wordslave,

Rev. Lester Ernest Tisdale IV

Two Aleatorically Interpreted Sermons of Michael Venyah, Preacher of Hate

Sermon on the Mississippi State University Campus

You know the status of marriage practice out of Mars over recent months hypersensitivity. You’ve got to take away the spacecraft dramatically mandated yet. Strike stance on Taiwan. Ultrasound inside the front yard and garden in about ten or ten eleven years old when I get you some of those carol U. Worldwide Petersburg and part of me. Wal-Mart, because twenty-three years of my life so they can wants you to let you know, but what do I smoke I’m one of my civil forever electricity. It’s about time has revised price pentagon cannot be delivered safely at the results produced by the wayside it contributed to the skinheads say and those are important. Victory. You do not need to know what the national government keep these demands white, and that’s a great deal of Christ divisions identified as a residential crisis. What is not controlled constantly wasn’t grounded hadn’t been a long time. No, I don’t think that a long time and I think you know what your studies for the new bible. Ill-advised electricity bloodshot not Charles pointing towards moms and working with a smile. Finance “%uh” vice president if you didn’t see the president and that is what you do not see vice president. That’s why I get that she was just blown up by the court collided with another doctor.

Sermon on the UL Campus

Unfettered after talk about that but not I don’t want to go. What happened contact Griffith short-lived apartment complexes that’s like going to happen. Drop of blood expected etc. for the payroll provider hope that %uh the pilot supplements at the crack. Your flag black hair anti-aircraft decided to start flap op. Leviathan blog kreitzer. Let’s go too far, just a couple of blood, equitably. That seventy’s Dr. lack of sex outside of crab salad exclusive somebody you play hardball. Mininova dot brad I think that our products at the banquet psychotherapy but they’re probably about statement balance abstinence reservoirs. What you’ve got, pleasant hill directly I think if they cannot come out well. Yes, great judges liked automatically you walked around the eastern part of our or anything becomes but dramatically help without over the last. If you take a teacher, wondered what breath fellow conservatives like Phil Shap at store fronts %uh if all you have to do with the fact that he was defeated with certain when you get this all about. Authorized gift-wrapped systems that have gotten eggplant perhaps but hopefully I don’t know what we have nothing further. What what they’re talking about forget a lot of street OK domiciled. Important factor. Mumbai, but I want to do something to brag, but not the kind of thing and he was pretty hard to deal with a look at the practice. Rupert Murdoch breadwinners, but you cannot Medicaid don’t pay cut because of our time at the end of the dot blot for item fifty-two hundred regarding complex request. What’s going on ruble directly. Foothills circumstances that you tried to deliver multiple. He will have a yahoo dot com wrote computer Boston orbit listeners to take an antibiotic catholic school board that’s absolutely right. Available at this time the ball like why do you want to look at the office and I’ll probably.

[created by using the closed-caption option on two Youtube videos of the "Soul Winners" preachers preaching their gospel of hatred and judgment -- the closed-caption option gives bizarre interpretations of all but the clearest and most articulate of speech]

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Graduate Recital

Matt Hollier - Solo Guitar

Friday, February 11. 7:30 P.M. Choral Room 153, Angelle Hall. UL Campus.

Featuring works by Lennon, Sierra, Mackey, Legnani, Hollier, and Ligeti.

My last major concert in Louisiana for the foreseeable future.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Various Permutations of the Right Hyperprime Poem of the Sun


sometimes I feel like nothing’s left
descants and multitudinous meaningful images pop
an easy exercise for sure
near a haze of tissue in air
the red sun rose


the rum moon sank
away from the clarity of snot on the ground
assuming a difficult slobbery
syncopated and a few meaningless ideas form
I never feel like anything’s right

The Desert Age

The Deserted Village

Sweet Auburn! loveliest village of the plain,

Where health and plenty cheered the laboring swain,

Where smiling spring its earliest visit paid,

And parting summer’s lingering blooms delayed.

Dear, lovely bowers of innocence and ease,

Seats of my youth, when every sport could please,

How often have I loitered o’er they green,

Where humble happiness endeared each scene!

How often have I paused on every charm—

The sheltered cot, the cultivated farm,

The never-failing brook, the busy mill,

The decent church that topped the neighboring hill,

The hawthorn bush, with seats beneath the shade,

For talking age and whispering lovers made!

How often have I blessed the coming day,

When toil remitting lent its aid to play,

And all the village train, from labor free,

Led up their sports beneath the spreading tree!

While many a pastime circled in the shade!

The young, contending, as the old surveyed;

And many a gambol frolicked o’er the ground,

And sleights of art and feats of strength went round.

Sweet, smiling village, loveliest of the lawn;

Thy sports are fled, and all thy charms withdrawn;

Amid thy glassy brook reflects the day,

But, choked with sedges, works its weedy way;

Along thy glades, a solitary guest,

The hollow-sounding bittern guards its nest.

Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey,

Where wealth accumulates, and men decay;

Princes and lords may flourish or may fade;

A breath can make them, as a breath has made;

But a bold peasantry, their country’s pride,

When once destroyed, can never be supplied.

Sweet Auburn! parent of the blissful hour,

Thy glades forlorn confess the tyrant’s power.

Here, as I take my solitary rounds

Amid thy tangling walks and ruined grounds

And, many a year elapsed, return to view

Where once the cottage stood, the hawthorn grew,

Remembrance walks with all her busy train,

Swells at my breast, and turns the past to pain.

In all my wanderings round this world of care,

In all my grief’s—and God has given my share—

I still had hopes, my latest hours crown,

Amid these humble bowers to lay me down;

To husband out life’s taper at close,

And keep the flame from wasting by repose:

I still had hopes, my long vexations past,

Here to return,—and die at home last.

O blest retirement! friend to life’s decline,

Retreat from care, that never must be mine.

How blest is he who crowns, in shades like these,

A youth of labor with an age of ease:

Who quits a world where strong temptations try,

And, since ‘tis hard to combat, learns to fly!

So on he moves to meet his latter end,

Angels around befriending virtue’s friend;

Sinks to the grave with unperceived decay,

While resignation gently slopes the way;

And, all his prospects brightening to the last,

His heaven commences ere the world be past.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I am working for people who are primarily intelligent, rather than serious.
—P. Feval

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Monday, January 24, 2011

The Bat

The Battle of Blenheim

It was a summer evening—
Old Kaspar’s work was done,
And he before his cottage door
Was sitting in the sun;
And by him sported on the green
His little grandchild Wilhelmine.

She saw her brother Peterkin
Roll something large and round;
Which he beside the rivulet,
In playing there, had found;
Hecame to ask what he had found,
That was so large, and smooth, and round.

Old Kaspar took it from the boy,
Who stood expectant by;
And then the old man shook his head,
And, with a natural sigh—
“Tis some poor fellow’s skull,” said he,
“Who fell in the great victory.

“I find them in the garden,
For there’s many here about;

And often when I go to plow
The plowshare turns them out;
For many thousand men,” said he,
“Were slain in the great victory.

“Now tell us what ‘twas all about,”
Young Peterkin he cries;
And little Wilhelmine looks up
With wonder-waiting eyes—
“Now tell us all about the war,
And what they fought each other for."

“My father lived at Blenheim then
Yon little stream hard by;
They burnt his dwelling to the ground
And he was forced to fly;
So with his wife and child he fled,
Nor had he where to rest his head.

With fire and sword the country round
Was wasted far and wide;
And many a childing mother there,
And new-born baby died:
But things like these, you know, must be
At every famous victory.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Living in marmoset dreams or leaves beneath trees
Redundant I know, how else am I going
On and on to find to right my written springing upon
Some single high note thereabouts?

A sign of knowledgable time:
Voidware prohibited. 

We are all closet homo-sapiens screaming on dirt streets
Rode, thinking, erode (no spank) exposures or expeditions
And A giant S severing the male malevolence. 

Just as incurring snot orgy discord of innocuous 
Cyst putrid darkly cornering sequence of monetone
Invalid scraping dig, cut, borrow, uplift, downgrade, electrocute, resuscitate.  

Cut this umbilicus; I sense a frequency of naught, a cordial inversion: never knot. 

Feel it, stuck sucked in a land of negative, open sores and crisp finger frost distracted. They hate me, they hate me. Or if they have no feelings: the cold has cut them short for sure they will recognize a friend, wandering the dark corners for sure they will stop freezing all my outsides and striking disease at my in. 

Very similar to antiharmonics. Verisimilitude. This candle lights my path; but still fingers reach behind my hair in a place adjacent to memory. This is where we first discovered sound, where we precisely scattered electricity and placidly uplifted antitheses. 

Try this on for size: a gigantic memoir, a bestiary, gutfull draught, no, gush; a font, oversized load, a blink, blister or beacon of hole, questions tied together with oblivionic cursive apprehensive and assuredly buoyant, cluster of opal, shimmer of going. Be these as they may, if there is that or these for me, may I protractively exclaim that I am doing that thing i do between dreams. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Six Hits, a Pop Cacophany

1. Far East Movement: Like a G6
2. Justin Bieber: Baby
3. Katy Perry: California Gurls
4. Lady Gaga: Love Games
5. Train: Hey Soul Sister
6. Miley Cyrus: When I Look at You