Monday, March 22, 2010

"Fur Sultans Now" by Bats, Bats & Chaps

I have been handing these out to random people, leaving them in bathroom stalls and various offices, and will now be offering a display of these brochures at some table (the wine table? the product table?) at the p(art)y for Delta Journal next Wednesday, the 31st. I'm teetering over some ideas for the brochure dispenser, as in, what to say on it, images, etc... CLICK TO ENLARGE!


  1. Explain to me how you created the text again.

  2. I have been doing this for a while now: taking a source text (in this case, the default brochure template from Word, which was loaded with text about how to use the template) removing all of the vowels in said text, and running the results through spellcheck. This can also be done with gibberish if you wish, which is how this whole process started.
