Emily said...
nag retesting, asocial, unseating canoeists for waning hut leafs, kingmaker the eel urea by tailgating hate oddly, gulping on talc brogans, tea. I smiled in this pie mover raspy mythical redial. I anew a cedar shark image at or with her tugboats.
Emily said...
an ferreting, sacral, basseting onset of swig the seal, mating the dill rill by tolling the bold, cling on viol runes, taco. I hissed in these piqué mare crispy cynical denials. I wet a clean scar imam to go whip the thugs.
Emily said...
why sip it sopping wickets?!
Rev. Lester Tisdale IV said...
Havens the songfest. Khans for the memento by the awl. Fist attesting, blues I was trig spinally to be vase and it trendy auto its dust gorgy.
I Am Bells said...
Assoil fury pearly to medley’s economy was piebald to elm.
Emily said...
emesis inkle its lag or nosing, do you twang end to anklet our emir off the lids?
matt said...
imp eloign the lutefisk of covens. its will encumber a shellac pie in a web dish, hen the clustering has adverse (freak verbosely mesa). tally then, if myth as wallet dada my wok scent: defiled oboes nix moons, fishy ethers orthodox casket.
Rev. Lester Tisdale IV said...
This oat has eon armored by the loather.
Rev. Lester Tisdale IV said...
Rev. Lester Tisdale IV said...
this is really fun. i can almost remember the real words.